2015-09-15 : Website Template Updated : v2.21.1


  1. Added theme choice to Cookie Consent form

New Setup Variables (see <setup-sample.php> for details)

  1. $my_cookie_theme

Bug Fixes


2015-09-14 : Website Template Updated : v2.21.0


  1. Added a Cookie Consent bit of Javascript courtesy of Silktide
  2. Added a "Follow Me" social bookmarking category that uses the same icons as the page social bookmarks.
  3. Added a "viewport" to the page as the 1st stage in making the website more mobile friendly.

New Setup Variables (see <setup-sample.php> for details)

  1. $my_cookie_consent
  2. $my_cookie_message
  3. $my_cookie_dismiss
  4. $my_cookie_learnmore
  5. $my_cookie_link
  6. $my_social_follow_title
  7. $my_social_follow_me[]

Bug Fixes

  1. Not really a bug fix, but removed stale social bookmark icons.

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[ News feed last updated 12:47 Wed 29th Dec 2021 | viewed 46934 times ]