This page's vital information:
- Physical location: ./pages/00_Home/Favicon.ico.html
- Link here with: <a href="?page=Favicon.ico">
As of version 2.7.0, the software supports favicons!"
The "favicon" is the small icon that appears next to the URL and in your bookmarks list:
To include a icon on your website, simply create a file called "favicon.ico" and store it in ./images and the software will find it and insert the correct meta data in the web page to display it:
<link rel="icon" href="./images/favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" />
If you don't have a program for creating icon files, then try uploading an image to the likes of http://www.freefavicon.com/ and they will produce one for you. Alternatively, they have galleries of icons available, or simple Google for "free favicon"